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Saturday, October 1, 2016

Triquetra Bundle Excerpt

Hello everyone, happy October. This is my favorite time of year even if it's been raining all week. I love the view of my yard from my windows as I write and I'm listening to the boys watching sports moving between college football for my husband and soccer for my son. I wanted to share an excerpt from "My Heart is Within You," the first book in the Triquetra Bundle that came out yesterday with Dreampsinner Press. It's the first time Jake gets a glimpse of the vampire who has been stalking him for the last month. Kristair would argue that it wasn't stalking, just staking a claim, but I think he's deluding himself.

The crammed sidewalks thinned and swirled and then opened up, giving me a clear view across the street. Once again I froze, staring at the man standing just under the streetlamp. Oh god. He looked strangely normal in his jeans and cream sweater that set off the rich tone of his skin. The light above created a halo around his head and shoulders. He almost could’ve been a young working man, trying to relive his college days, but the dangerous aura around him was obvious. He was no damned angel. 

And I wasn’t the only one who sensed it. His sidewalk was as crowded as mine, with drunken students trolling the avenues, searching for a party and showing off their costumes, yet as one they all parted and flowed around him. No one came close enough to jostle him, no one told him to get out of the way, as people were bitching to me. No, he was a predator. He was the predator and I was his prey. 

I should be scared. Forget scared. I should be outta my mind, shitting my pants like the time the gator got onto the pontoon while my friend and I were collecting crawfish traps. However, the last thing I was capable of feeling right now was fear. 

Enthralled, I stepped to the edge of the curb, barely registering the cars going by, as I drank him in as if I were dying and he was the last thread connecting me to this life. It was hard to make out the details of his face, but his skin was golden, his body long and lean. His eyes bored right into me and I imagined they were that shade of brown that was so deep it was like you were sinking right into them. His head was shaved and, for some reason, I couldn’t quite pin his race down. It was like he could claim any number of ethnicities, or maybe something else, long since gone. 

He was more darkly striking than the moonlight on the bayou back home, or the haunting song of the cicadas, or whatever else made me think of beauty, danger, and sorrow at once.

Buy it at Dreamspinner Press

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Coming Soon - Triquetra Trilogy

Coming on September 30th, the Triquetra
When vampire Kristair binds his heart and soul to a human vessel in an ancient ritual, he never expects to fall in love with Jacob Corvin as well. As The Syndicate moves in to discover the secrets Kristair hold, the bonded pair will discover that not even death can separate them. Unfortunately, it won’t stop their enemies from coming after them, either.
Cover Artist: My Heart Is Within You Cover Artist: DWS Photography. Haunted by Your Soul Cover Artist: DWS Photography. Our Sacred Balance Cover Artist: DWS Photography. Triquetra bundle Cover Design by Alexandria Corza.

I'm excited. I loved Jake and Kristair. They were so much fun. I keep wanting to revisit them. Check in later for some excerpts and if I can my microphone to work, even one that I'll read. :D

Sunday, July 31, 2016

"Pandora" is Coming to DSP Publications and Life Updates

Hello everybody. It has been a crazy, crazy couple of months. After living for 13 years in the house my son grew up in we moved to a new place. We'd outgrown our old place and the heating and air conditioning was going. The more money we poured into repairs, the more things were falling apart. So we decided it was time. Our landlord wants to flip it and sell it. A number of other houses in the neighborhood are going the same route. It's been around for a long time.

As we were packing and shifting my husband fell ill and was bedridden for a few weeks. So it was a stressful time. But we're in our new home now and he's on his feet again and we're looking forward to our new lives.

In other exciting news, DSP Publications contracted "Pandora." It'll be out April 2017. I'm working on submitting ideas for the cover art now.

Now that things have settled. I hope to update more often.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Update - New Submission

Hey everyone. I know it's been forever. This last year has been crazy with my parents' move to South Carolina and a huge renovation at work. We've been clearing out more than a decade's worth of attorneys stuffing every paper they ever collected into any hidey-hole they could find. My floor was finally finished in March. Now there's only one floor to go. So I'm hoping for a much calmer year.

On the exciting news front and not the boring EDJ side. I submitted my sci-fi/horror novel Pandora last week. Keep your fingers crossed. This is an intense one. :D

     Haunted by the screams of the men he executed, ex-Marine medic Riff Korra is sentenced to life onboard a prison ship. Seeking more punishment for his crime, he strikes a deal with the corrupt Captain Vidal, his payment an exchange of pleasure and pain, and forges a new life leading the team that surveys space wreckage for salvage.
    For ship engineer Zed Jakobsen, his psychometric abilities make prison a sentence worse than death, and the barrage of emotional stimuli are an unending torment. His only regret is that he didn’t kill the monster who sent him to prison. His only reason to live is to find a chance to escape a sentence he didn’t deserve.
   When they board a derelict ship, and discover a lone survivor, the hell of prison life plunges into horror. An epidemic of violence and insanity consumes their ship, driving the crew to murder and destruction. Mutual need and attraction draw Riff and Zed together, and their bond gives them strength to fight the hallucinations. But Vidal possesses the only means of escape from the nightmare, and he’s not letting anyone leave alive.